Tom Sawyer


The film begins on a market day in the small town of St. Petersburg. Tom Sawyer and his friend Huckleberry Finn stealthily sneak onto a steamboat that is being loaded and look around the hold. They watch how the Indian Joe steals valuables with an accomplice and flee before they are discovered.

In return for payment in the form of bible slips of paper (bonuses for memorizing bible verses), Tom does rough pranks with his friends. They frighten the village drunkard Mutt Potter, who sleeps drunk in his hut, by persuading him that he is in the realm of the dead and must save his soul. From then on, Muff Potter is convinced he's already dea

The following night, Tom and Huck in the cemetery watch Doc Robinson being stabbed to death out of hatred while exhuming a corpse by Indian Joe. Joe blames Muff Potter for the murder, who came along as a helper. Fearing Joe, Tom and Huck swear never to reveal anything about it. For the next few nights Tom has nasty nightmares in which Joe chases after hi

The next day, Muff Potter is arrested by a mob who immediately wants to lynch him. Aunt Polly and then the sheriff prevent that; Muff Potter is put in jail, where Tom and Huck provide him with food and (stolen) whiskey through the window to calm their guilty conscience. They are surprised by Joe, who thinks that the two of them know something about the murder of Doc. He's putting them under pressur

In the meantime, Tom has fallen in love with the beautiful, newly arrived Becky Thatcher. She finds his transparent boasting repugnant, but when she stained a secret anatomy book of the teacher while hastily clearing it away with spilled ink at school, he accepts the whipping, which impresses her very muc

Tom and Huck decide to pursue their plan to become pirates - so they can escape Joe forever. The trial of Muff Potter, whom Tom is attending, takes place right before the scheduled departure. He struggles with himself for a long time, but at the last moment he reports as a witness and describes the real process. During his testimony, Indian Joe flees the hall and leaves town. Huck watches him do it, draws the right conclusions and is deeply disappointed by Tom's broken word, while Tom is celebrated as a hero by the whole cit

Later, Tom and Huck reconcile and drive down the Mississippi as pirates to Jackson Island, where they hide in an abandoned hut before a storm. There, of all places, Joe meets with an accomplice, by chance finds treasure under the floorboards and stabs his accomplice so that he doesn't have to share the gold. Huck and Tom unwillingly witness again, flee the island and drive back to St. Petersburg. There they find a mourning meeting in the church and only realize late that it is their own - the missing children have already been declared dead. Tom is greeted effusively, while Huck stands by unnoticed and finally leaves sadl

Tom and Becky explore a large stalactite cave together and get lost in it. Looking for an exit, Tom meets Joe, who has descended on a rope ladder into the cave and has hidden the gold treasure there. Joe notices him, but Tom can stun Joe with a lucky stone throw. He rushes to Becky, but they are hardly on the rope ladder when Joe wakes up and climbs after them. Tom manages to cut one of the two ropes beneath himself, the other one tears through Joe's weight, and Joe falls to his deat

The film ends with a joint breakfast with Aunt Polly, at which Huck is allowed to be present for the first time. Then Tom and Huck get the money out of the cave and are now rich 🤑 

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  1. I'm looking for this movie a long time. THANK YOU for uploading movie🎬


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